Willow Firesong's Circle of Firelight in the Grove of Information

Pagan/Wiccan Yule/Solstice Carol Collection

Words and Music

Searching for carols titled: Masters in This Hall

Masters in This Hall

by Lady Isadora

<bgsound SRC="http://willow.creative-interweb.com/midi/carols/masters.mid" loop=4>
Tune: "Masters in This Hall"
by Author Unknown

Verse 1:

Masters in this Hall, hear the news today
From messengers of old who won't be turned away


Masters in this hall, Open up the door
Hear her footsteps now approaching
Heed her voice we do implore

Masters in this Hall open up your eyes
Now the Lady stands before you
Children of the earth arise

Verse 2:

Masters in this Hall, hear what we do say
The Goddess has come in and she is here to stay


The Goddess has come in and no folks should be sad
Come with us, we praise, we si-ing,
Hail the Queen, rejoice, be glad

The goddess has come in  where all men make good cheer
Tidings of her joy we bring you,
Banish freely tides of fear

Verse 3:

Masters in this Hall, hear what we do say
The Goddess has come in and she is here to stay

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