Willow Firesong's Circle of Firelight in the Grove of Information

Pagan/Wiccan Yule/Solstice Carol Collection

Words and Music

Searching for carols titled: Glory to the New Born King

Glory to the New Born King

by Ellen Cannon Reed
First Verse rewritten from Traditional Carol

<bgsound SRC="http://willow.creative-interweb.com/midi/carols/" loop=4>
Tune: "Glory to the New Born King"
by Traditional

Brothers, sisters, come to sing
Glory to the new-born King!
Gardens peaceful, forests wild
Celebrate the Winter Child!

Now the time of glowing starts!
Joyful hands and joyful hearts!
Cheer the Yule log as it burns!
For once again the Sun returns!

Brothers, sisters, come and sing!
Glory to the new-born King!
Brothers, sisters, singing come
Glory to the newborn Sun

Through the wind and dark of night
Celebrate the coming light.
Suns glad rays through fear's cold burns
Life through death the Wheel now turns

Gather round the Yule log and tree
Celebrate Life's mystery
Brothers, sisters, singing come
Glory to the new-born Sun.

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