Your wanderings through the sacred grove of knowledge have been rewarded - ahead of you, you see a flickering glow, and a shadowy figure dancing on an upthrust slab of stone. A trickle of seemingly sourceless music weaves around you, half familiar, yet wholly new, speaking to something inside of you; its voiceless melody speaks in echoes, of a peace that may be found here, even for the traveller whose path does not always take them through peaceful places. The knowledge arises within you, like the gentle upwelling of a spring within an oasis, that you are welcome here, as long as you honor that peace during your visit.

Dancing shadow

Willow Firesong's

Circle of Firelight
in the
Grove of Information

<bgsound SRC="midi/background/midiharp4web.mid" loop=4>
Tune: "Harp Exploration"
by BarleySinger
(click to listen to the music) Click here to lift the branch and enter the site

Click to lift the branch in front of you, and enter

Willow Firesong's Circle of Firelight in the Grove of Information

or you may

Turn and Leave

and know that you are always welcome to return...

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You are visitor number 5713